Delta Rising Foundation

“Only primitives and barbarians lack knowledge of houses turned to face the winter sun.”


Socrates House in black and white from the side that shows how high sun angles don't enter the south side of the home as they're protected by the verandah

“Now, supposing a house to have a southern aspect, sunshine during winter will steal in under the verandah, but in summer, when the sun traverses a path right over our heads, the roof will afford an agreeable shade,

will it not?”


Front os Sacrates house shows how in the winter the southerly sun will not enter the home directly and thus the verandah is protective of the overheating and thermal discomfort of the inhabitat. There are 3 light purple sturdy walls on each side and in the back and you are looking inside the front of Socrates house. The angle of the sun coming into the home is sharp and not much sun in entering due to the extension of the roof in a way that effectively shades and helps keep the home cool

Our approach to regenerative design combines lessons from nature and nature’s energy cycles with ancient wisdom.

Ancient Greeks teach us the importance of orienting a building to the sun.

Ancient cultures the world around provide a bounty of examples of how to provide thermal comfort.

By designing architecture that functions like a tree that responds to how the sun moves through the sky and absorbs heat energy directly from the sun and stores the energy within the structure without complex mechanisms that fail and need to be replaced every 20 years or less.

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