Our Cultural Arts Events Provide Excellent Opportunities to Educate and Raise Community Eco-Consciousness

Our Sustainability Events with Art, Music, and a

"Sustainability Corner" Provide Excellent

Opportunities To:

•Educate and Excite

•Cultivate Community,

•Increase Eco-Consciousness,

•Obtain Native and Drought-Tolerant Plants

Delta Rising Oil Painting by Chris Luis Ossorio

The bottom half of the painting is an orangish-red , the top has a blue background. There is a green circle extending from 2/3 up the red background to the top of the painting on the right hand side. Inside the green circle is red. There is a triangle shape just right and up from the center of the circle, and underneath it a green ling about 1/2 up the circle's height. THe bottom half of the painting with the red background has vertical and horizontal green lines that don't extend all the way across.

Suhuyini West African Dance and Drumming with Iddris Awal

Western Symphony by Tar and Flowers

Amethyst and Copper Pendant by Robin Bott

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