Together, Delta volunteers, artists, donors, staff, and Board members have combined forces to:
—Train two executive women.
—Assist one woman in establishing her financial independence who took advantage of our executive training capacity and, with increased skills and confidence, furthered her career. Our prior Corporate Secretary is now number three at a luxury upholstery company in a career position, doing well, training further, and saving for her child’s college.
—Design (2) resource-efficient sustainability architectural components, including:
(1) We have a green-roofed seating area designed to break up the urban heat island that is suitable for transportation centers, stations, and bus stops that collects its own solar for charging stations and lights and collects its own water to feed its green roof we’ve been working on with a world-class designer trained in Milan and Stanford civil engineers specializing in design and sustainability in which Californian cities have shown interest which can be modified to meet current county Request For Proposal opportunities and other custom applications.
(2) We have also created cost-effective vertical farming structures that increase the productive gains of a given area by increasing the usable surface area of the land and by producing shade which helps plants establish and thrive.
—Accomplish substantial research on ways to sequester carbon that may work with our architectural designs working with world experts in their respective fields.
—Run our Entrepreneurial Accelerator consistently working with nonprofit and for-profit leaders who are committed to sustainability and imbuing their corporate cultures with environmental, economic, and equity goals. Our seven entrepreneurs with whom we are currently working are from Caltech, Santa Ana, Ghana, Kenya, and Egypt.
—Run a small but prolific Native Nursery.
—Provide 1133 plants that are drought-resistant, native, and/or provide vegetables, herbs, and fruits, locally to individuals.
—Install xeriscaping landscapes for homeowners.
—Produce 14 shows with art, music, and/or plants around a theme of sustainability from backyards to bars to planned events at parks. We were planning and promoting 15 shows which did not happen secondary to adopting safer culture during pandemic; amongst these 15 shows were 2 debuts of new bands, Ricky Hopkins Urban Band and Harrison Flynn. One band, Sol Soirée, formed for our 2019 Solstice Celebration, and are going strong today, playing from LA to Laguna in California. These events are the primer events for our Sustainability Showcases where we bring together art, music, science, indigenous perspective, and plants around a theme of sustainability.
—Collaborate with another local 501(c)3, OCAPICA, Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance, to fully engage our workforce training with the creation of our first full-time position for our prior Corporate Secretary.
—Present 9 personalized in-depth Science Education Adventures. 6 were by a Dr. Mandeep Gill, a PhD in particle physics who excels at laymen translation who brought us through elements of the course he teaches in astronomy in an excellent immersive small-group environment. 2 were by Ms. Anne Maben, a wildlife photographer and teacher who brought us through some of her favorite local reserves. 1 was a small group adventure out to a dark strip of road in the Inland Empire to see Comet Neo and several planes through a telescope with social distancing.
—Maintain and improve our Event Center in Garden Grove, CA.
—Provide paid opportunities to 7 visual artists, 38 musicians, and 5 staff members before, during, and after events.
—-Showcase 2 women’s art as we provided their first professional remuneration, branding, market opportunity, and networking. One artist made her artistic debut at our show and also made her first sale that day. Another received her first professional remuneration for her musical talent on a popular local stage. Both are continuing to accelerate their artistic and entrepreneurial endeavors today.